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April 2017

Find Your Pace in the Race.

A few years back, I began running local 5k races, not so much as a hobby, but more to check my personal fitness level. I’ve noticed that my friends are getting older, which means I’m aging as well and need to be aware of my personal energy levels and stay on top of my health. Many of us have found that “acting our age” may not comply with how we think or feel.

It’s important to be honest with myself. It has never been my goal to win a road race; I’ve never even trained to run, but I do enjoy racing the clock to try to beat my previous personal best each time. In general, when the goal I’m striving for is one I’ve set for myself, whether in service, my career or volunteering, it’s much easier to focus, move in a positive direction and maintain a course of improvement.

The crazy race of life we find ourselves running can sometimes seem like a competition against an unbearable mass of athletes that seems to just “have it.” All too often, we find ourselves judging our personal performances against throngs of competitors, amidst overwhelming odds, in race that seems never-ending.

“If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.” ~Max Ehrmann

Have you ever stopped to consider that your perfect competitor and coach, the one who pushes, encourages and strengthens your resolve to be better than you were yesterday is, well, you? Looking inward is the best way to discover who we really need to become. Escaping the shadows of what others may desire for our life is how we find our brightest path and move toward what we truly want for ourselves. Spending our time wisely, doing good work and serving others are just a few ways to succeed. The best rewards often come in the end. Until then, enjoying the run will make life easier and happier, and you’re worthy of that.

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