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As One Chapter Ends a New One Begins

Heading into the holiday season, I am reminded how much I have to be thankful for — family, friends, health, my faith and the Milton community. Looking back over the year, I see not only the events that challenged our nation and community, but I see our humanity and our resiliency.

This year, I find myself particularly reflective, as this is the last year that my wife Dawn and I will have a child at home. Our youngest, Charlie, is a senior and will be headed off to college next fall, officially making us empty nesters.

Just as every year has seasons, our lives also have seasons. Often times, rather than enjoying the season we’re in, we’re longing for what comes next. The same way we rush those cold winter months for spring’s arrival or long for those dog days of summer to come to an end, we sometimes find ourselves rushing through life from one milestone to the next. This is one season of life that I don’t plan to hurry.

I’m also thankful that life’s seasons are ever-changing, offering us one memorable moment after another. I still remember that fall day when Dawn and I went for a drive in north Fulton, discovering the property that would eventually become our Milton home. So much has changed since that day, but so much has stayed the same.

We grew our family with Charlie; Dawn and I built our family home; our community gained its independence by incorporating; I made the decision to run for mayor; we saw our two oldest children leave for college; and in March, I proudly helped open Milton’s new City Hall.

As one chapter of our life ends, a new one begins. That’s true for all aspects of our life, both personal and professional. As mayor, I’m thankful for all that we’ve accomplished in Milton, and I’m thankful for the opportunity to do more. We are blessed with residents who care about their community and get involved. We also have a dedicated City staff that works daily to make sure Milton is the best it can be. Working together, we’ve accomplished so much as a community, and it’s exciting to see what the next season, our next decade, will bring us.

On a personal level, the coming months will be a mixture of emotions in our house, and we are grateful for the last few months with our son at home. And while we’re sad this chapter is ending, the best part is that Dawn and I have all these new memorable moments to look forward to with each other, our children, and our community.

Wishing you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving!

Thankless Task Leads to Thankfulness
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