By Senator John Albers on Wednesday, 18 November 2020
Category: Senator John Albers

Be Grateful for This Year's Blessings and a New Chapter in 2021

Merry Christmas, happy Hanukkah, and happy New Year! I am proud to wish you true tidings of joy and hope you will pass it along. We love to celebrate Christmas in the Albers house, and we have many wonderful traditions.

For me, Christmas is a day of celebration in remembrance of the Lord giving us his only son. It's in this spirit that we spend the season preparing for his arrival and giving presents to others. While we occupy ourselves with shopping for the perfect gift for family and friends, we must remember that the best gift we can give is service to another.

Enduring a worldwide pandemic impacted everyone's lives in some way. We could all use a helping hand now more than ever. Amid such widespread challenges, helping a neighbor in need is a responsibility we all share. Staying positive and encouraging others means a lot. I am thankful our state of Georgia is rebounding so quickly and safely.

Our country was founded upon the idea of neighbors helping neighbors. The seeds of American society were sown by people who had no one to depend on but themselves and their community. America's principle of service to others is one thing that makes this country great, as neighbors, friends, churches, and charitable organizations are the first to step in to help those in need. This year, it was especially inspiring to watch ordinary people in our community doing extraordinary things to help others.

Of course, we must also remember the true public servants who risk their lives for our own. Thousands of brave men and women in our armed forces, police departments, fire departments, and emergency medical services stand guard in the chill of night away from their homes and loved ones. These American patriots deserve our respect and a debt of gratitude. Sending emails or letters to service members stationed overseas is one of the most precious gifts you can give. Pray for their safe return and be thankful for the freedoms they protect. When you see first responders or veterans, thank them for their service.

President Calvin Coolidge once said, "Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas."

We must work harder to keep the spirit of Christmas alive throughout 2021. Remember to share the gifts of life, love, peace, and prosperity.

This year, New Year's Eve will be more profound for many, as we look forward to a fresh start in 2021. While the challenges were abundant in 2020, there were also blessings. Our oldest son was married, and we welcomed our new daughter-in-law. Our youngest son went off to college, and we became empty nesters. We are grateful for this new chapter in our lives and hope each of you recognize and are grateful for blessings of your own.