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Tax Policy for the 21st Century

Since being elected as your State Senator, I have been laser-focused on jobs, jobs, jobs. This was the centerpiece of my campaign. I believe it is not the role of government to create jobs; it is the private sector that creates jobs.

What government can do is create an environment that is conducive to attracting new jobs. Government does this by getting out of the way of the private sector and getting back to basics. The basics are providing an adequate clean water supply, excellent education, a transportation system that reduces congestion and increases mobility, and a tax system that brings Georgia into the 21st century on corporate taxes and property taxes. In earlier columns I have written about water, education, and transportation; now I will focus on taxes.

  2047 Hits

Science, Technology are Important to Our Future

With technology changing at such a rapid pace from a personal and business perspective, it is important that we stay ahead of the curve and plan for the future.

This year, I was appointed by the Lt. Governor and President Pro Tem as chairman of the Science and Technology Committee in the Senate. We are laser-focused on two goals: making sure that our state is on the cutting edge of future technology 5-10 years down the road and that we are prepared with the infrastructure to embrace that new technology; and training the work force to handle these new technology jobs.

  2232 Hits

Good Policy Equals Good Jobs

Recently, on the third day of the General Assembly legislative session, Governor Nathan Deal gave his State of the State address. Since taking office, Governor Deal has worked with the General Assembly to budget conservatively, downsize state government, implement real tax reform and create more than 217,000 private-sector jobs.Georgia has been blessed during the recession to continue to grow jobs. This does not happen by accident. It happens because of good sound fiscal policy. I always say, "Government does not create jobs; the private-sector creates jobs. But, what government can do is provide an atmosphere that is conducive to job growth."

  2225 Hits