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A Successful 2019 in Ball Ground

Looking back, 2019 has been a great year for Ball Ground. Rick Roberts, who has served as Ball Ground’s mayor for more than 28 years, has seen our community blossom into a thriving downtown. And, according to Mayor Roberts, two of the projects completed this year will have a lasting impact on the city.The Roberts Lake Project, a pristine property once home to a dam on Long Swamp Creek, was Ball Ground’s first source of power in the 1920s. Though it served the people well as a power source, this property will now serve the community as a place of recreation for many years to come. An initial pathway has been cleared, and footbridges are being constructed and put into place, making the area more easily accessible to hikers. The goal is to open the park to the public in July 2020.

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Upcoming Fall and Holiday Happenings in Ball Ground

Now that fall has arrived, it’s a great time to pack up the family and head to Ball Ground to see what’s happening! The beautiful Ball Ground Botanical Garden and Calvin Farmer Park make the perfect spot for a family picnic or those long overdue family photos.As you travel through downtown, don’t let the seasonal “visitors” give you a fright. It’s Ball Ground’s annual Invasion of the Scarecrows contest! Each year, Karla Weaver and the Ball Ground Main Street Board sponsor this event, along with the Ball Ground Business Association. The contest is open to individuals, businesses, organizations, and clubs with a Ball Ground address. If you are interested in participating, please contact Karla Weaver at 770-735-2123 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The winners will be announced at the Spooktacular event Friday, October 25.

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Ball Ground’s Roberts Lake Park Project

At its June meeting, the Ball Ground City Council voted unanimously to approve the purchase of properties from five different landowners and to seek funding for the purchase from the Clean Water State Revolving Fund, administered by the Georgia Environmental Facilities Authority, for the Roberts Lake Park Project.The idea to purchase this beautiful gift from nature began on a hot summer day in July 2008. City Manager Eric Wilmarth and City Council Member John Byrd laid their eyes on something they knew about but had never seen. Each had heard of the beauty of Roberts Lake and how it once supplied power to Ball Ground in the 1920s but had never had the opportunity to visit. After reaching their destination, only accessible by an all-terrain vehicle or on foot, they were in awe. They immediately knew this property would offer something great for Ball Ground.

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Summer Fun in Ball Ground

Spring has sprung, and the first official day of summer is only a few short weeks away. Time to hit the road to enjoy all life has to offer. Each waking moment is precious time God gives us to spend with family and friends. Take advantage of that time and head to Ball Ground. Though small compared to other cities, what Ball Ground has to offer is an experience you won’t find anywhere else.Downtown Development/Main Street Director Karla Weaver invites you to take advantage of a unique shopping and dining experience. Our calendar of events lists the season’s first Concert in the Park featuring the Local Legends band on June 1. Greg Henderson and his band will provide you with an evening of your favorite rock and country tunes.

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The Ball Ground Senior Center

Where is the best place for an active senior adult to spend time with friends? The Ball Ground Senior Center (388 Groover Street), of course! This beautiful new facility opened its doors in 2018 and has become “the place to be” for local seniors. If you are age 60 or older, you are invited to drop by all three days the center is open: Tuesday and Wednesday from 9:00am to 2:00pm, and Thursday from 10:00am to 2:00pm.If you attend Senior Center activities Tuesday and Wednesday, you can have lunch with friends for only $1.50. Where else can you get a deal like that? If you prefer coming by on Thursday, you can enjoy “Coffee Talk Day” with other area seniors.

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Ball Ground Is the Place to Be in 2019

Ball Ground ended 2018 bigger and better than ever, with downtown Ball Ground continuing to grow, as new businesses discover that it is the place to be. What was once a sleepy town filled with rocks is now a thriving community where people meet for lunch or dinner, shop, attend concerts, or just take a stroll through the park. Ball Ground has it all!Mayor Rick Roberts and Council Members John Byrd, Frank Homiller, Mickey O’Malley, Lee Prettyman, and Andrenia Stoner are second to none when it comes to elected officials. Nowhere will you find a more dedicated group of men and women working to keep pace with the ever-changing times while maintaining the charm of a small town where everyone wants to live, work, and play.

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The History of Ball Ground’s Close-Knit Community

Ball Ground has always been a thriving, close-knit community throughout its 135 years of existence. That’s because Ball Ground has always been comprised of hardworking people who care about where they live, work, and play. Local people started businesses, which provided jobs for those who didn’t have transportation to drive anywhere else.

Being just down the road from Tate, GA, the Roberts Marble Company, the Consumers Monument Company, and the Ball Ground Monument Company provided many jobs for the locals. The Harris Lumber Company, Stancil Manufacturing, Ingram Trucking, Citizens Bank, and the Ingram Motor Company also provided many jobs, just to name a few. Only in small-town America could you walk to work, the grocery store, the post office, the bank, school, or anywhere else you needed to go.

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1930s Ball Ground

If you ever read the minutes of past council meetings, you would realize that not only are the citizens of Ball Ground blessed with a mayor and city council that have proven to be forward-thinking, spending many hours making a long-range plan for the betterment of the city, but that this was true in years past as well. Without the wisdom and forethought of these fine men and women, Ball Ground would not be what it is today.

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The Roaring Twenties in Ball Ground!

Looking back over the official minutes of the 1920s, the City of Ball Ground has come a long way. On January 5, 1920, at 6:30pm, the first meeting of the year was called to order by Mayor Pro Tem R.M. Thompson. The following council members were present: H.H. Hardin, Walter Darby, Jas H. Holcombe, and L. R. Thomason. The Treasurer’s Report given showed a beginning yearly balance of $1,268.45. An excerpt of the minutes read, “Upon the results of a legal election held the first Saturday in Dec 1919, the following officers were chosen: for mayor, Walter Hardin; for councilmen, L. R. Thomason, W.H Anderson, G. C. McClure, O. A. Williams, and Frank Edwards.” This meeting was closed in due form only to reconvene at 7:30pm with the newly elected mayor and council members leading the way. Council Member W. H. Anderson was elected as mayor pro tem. L. R. Thomason was elected as clerk, and O. A. Williams as treasurer.

On May 5, 1923, Mayor W. H. Anderson presented a Franchise Ordinance to the City Council from J. B. Roberts, requesting authority and right to construct and maintain a power plant or power plants for the purpose of furnishing electric energy to the municipality of Ball Ground and its inhabitants and to make and reserve reasonable charges therefore. The Ordinance further requested the authority to construct a gas plant or gas plants, and to furnish to the municipality and to its inhabitants — gas for lighting, heating, or other purpose and to make and receive reasonable charges therefore. There is no knowledge of a gas plant ever being constructed, but although mostly destroyed, there is still little remnants of the Roberts Dam and Power Company that was built on Long Swamp Creek east of downtown.

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Happy 135 Birthday, Ball Ground

Ball Ground, Georgia — what a great place to live, work, and play! Some like to call this beautiful town the next best thing to the fictional town of Mayberry.On September 27, 1883, the General Assembly of the State of Georgia signed Law No. 401 to incorporate the town of Ball Ground in Cherokee County, which stated, “From and after the passage of this Act, the corporate limits of the town of Ball Ground, Cherokee County, Georgia, shall extend one-half mile in every direction from the present railroad crossing on Gilmer Ferry Road; that it shall be known and distinguished as the town of Ball Ground.”

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Ball Ground — It’s the Place to Be!

What an exciting year 2017 was for the City of Ball Ground. Twenty-four businesses opened. Some are home-based businesses while some chose to locate in the downtown and other areas of the city, which continues to make Ball Ground an “anytime” destination. You don’t need to wait until the weekend to visit Ball Ground; anytime is a good time! As Mayor Roberts and other City staff continue to “Roll Out the Red Carpet Instead of the Red Tape,” Ball Ground continues to attract businesses, industries, and new residents.

Developers are building new homes in Ball Ground within walking distance of downtown, Ball Ground School STEM Academy, and parks. People are discovering that Ball Ground is the place to be, and they are buying these homes as fast as they can be built. Walking remains the cheapest form of transportation for all people, and the construction of a walkable community provides the most affordable transportation system any community can plan, design, construct, and maintain.You know you’re doing something right when you see parents walking their kids to school, or families walk downtown for a bite to eat or to take an evening stroll.

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March on Over to Ball Ground This Holiday Season

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! It’s time to get the family out of the house to enjoy a beautiful day in Ball Ground. Being out in the cool, crisp air feels so refreshing. There’s just something so relaxing about seeing a beautiful blue sky while being surrounded by colder temperatures. Since the days are shorter and holiday decorations have begun to show up in neighborhoods and retail establishments, it can only mean one thing: Christmas and the New Year are just around the corner.

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Ball Ground Rolls Out the Red Carpet, Not the Red Tape

If you haven’t ever been to Ball Ground, or if it’s been a while, then you are in for a real treat! Ball Ground is small-town living at its finest! Presently, Ball Ground boasts a population of approximately 1,750, and it continues to grow. People are wowed when they visit downtown Ball Ground! As a place that is full of rocks and marble, Ball Ground is emerging as a diamond in the rough. The city is experiencing tremendous economic growth. Historic buildings that had long been empty have been given new life. They are being transformed into restaurants, boutiques, art shops, an ice cream shop and many other types of businesses that people love to visit.

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