By Shawn Tolan on Monday, 21 December 2020
Category: Canton Notes

Canton - A Place for Everyone To Call Home

As a historic mill town with great parks, restaurants, shopping, and access to the Etowah River, Canton offers City officials a unique opportunity to continue to develop this area as a destination for residents and visitors to live, work, and play. Canton is experiencing immense population growth, which has led to an increased demand for housing options. This trend is expected to continue, as it has for the past two decades.

To that end, the City of Canton sponsored a housing needs assessment and market study to determine how to best support and develop new housing to promote diverse residential options. This study examined the socioeconomic and demographic currents that affect housing trends and affordability in Canton. The report included key findings from interviews with city leaders and citizen stakeholders. Housing strategy case studies were used to guide activation of identified site development opportunities within the city.

Canton's growth is propelling demand for more single-family housing but is also driving demand for multifamily options like apartments and townhomes, mixed housing communities, and estate housing. The City will also evaluate additional creative housing solutions not currently available in Canton including tiny house communities and cottage style housing.

According to the current housing study, demand for rental units continues to increase, which is largely due to the growing number of young families and professionals who are career-oriented and establishing their financial stability. Young professionals, such as teachers, nurses, and first responders, often rent homes, but the area currently lacks suitable housing for them. Providing additional rental options for seniors is another critical need.

The City will build on previous planning efforts, as the ability to support commercial and public space improvements with the strong growth trends will be a key step to success. Housing options will support the influx of economic development in Canton. The current study aims to estimate the need for additional housing options and to identify key areas for such growth.

In addition to physical locations, the study incorporates demographic information, national best practices, and stakeholder input to suggest how this development might look. As the city grows, key challenges will include maintaining a balance of rental and for-sale options, avoiding significant barriers to homeownership while the market expands, and developing scalable and appropriate affordable housing options for moderate-income households.

Once completed, the housing study will be incorporated into the new City Roadmap, a visionary, comprehensive plan for Canton's future. The City Roadmap will contain the framework for developers who wish to propose new projects.

The full housing study and City Roadmap can be found at If you have specific comments or questions about the study, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..