By Sandy McGrew on Monday, 23 October 2017
Category: Canton Notes

City Politics — Productive, Not Glamorous

The City of Canton is divided into three wards, and each ward has two council representatives. The terms for each elected official, including the mayor, are four years. Though you may live in one ward, you will vote for a representative for each of the three wards.

The politics of the City are nonpartisan, meaning that a candidate does not declare a party to run for office. There is no aisle to cross, and in the past four years, none of the decisions that have been made could have been influenced by a political party platform. In council discussions and decisions, each of the council representatives are mindful about spending the tax dollars of Canton’s citizens wisely, in other words, they are fiscally conservative, as they should be.

City politics aren’t glamorous like the national conventions; there are no concerts, or appearances by celebrities, or passionate fist-pounding speeches. City politics are more about building a water treatment facility; or installing sewer pipes; bush hogging overgrowth in the parks; paving sixteen miles of streets with SPLOST funds; determining how the City-owned trash roll-off site should be financed; how many backyard chickens can residents have and whether or not roosters should be allowed in the City; or going to a construction site to see first hand what is causing the delay in a project; moving utilities out of the way of state routes being widened; and restructuring the code enforcement division. All of the aforementioned are necessary parts of doing business, along with the exciting elements of seeing more restaurants, retail shops, new parks and revitalizing old parks, restoration of historic properties, as well as small businesses opening offices all around town.

There’s no glamour in City politics, but it’s exactly on this local level where a citizen can make a huge difference. Getting involved with the day-to-day workings of your hometown is worth every single moment of time you put into it. It is here that you can affect the decisions and policies made by the governing body and have a say in improving your town. There are several ways you can take part without being an elected official. The City has boards, commissions and committees that need volunteers to serve. If interested, call Canton City Hall to see how you can become part of the future.