By Candice on Sunday, 01 March 2015
Category: North Fulton Notes

Community Garden

Spring is just around the corner, and it will soon be time to plant vegetables and flowers for summer. Here in the City of Johns Creek, we offer a community garden next to Park Place, the adult activity center in Newtown Park. The Community Garden is popular among people who may not have space for a garden, or lack adequate sunshine in their yard. Gardeners have enjoyed planting tomatoes, squash, peppers and leafy vegetables, among other herbs and rare varieties. We certainly have some very talented gardeners in our city!

People like the Newtown Park Community Garden because it gives them a reason to be outdoors. For others, the hard work and watching the steady progress of the plants can be therapeutic. Some people just like having more control over the origins of their food. And some folks find it’s a good place to socialize and meet people. It’s also a fun opportunity for families to work together, discover more about nature, and get the satisfaction of eating what they’ve grown.

The Community Garden is truly a community undertaking. It got its start in 2010 as a project by the very first Leadership Johns Creek class. They and other volunteers built the garden with donated material on what was once just a patch of grass. The City only provides water, and the Garden Association members maintain the area on periodic work days.

Only a few months after the Newtown Park Community Garden was established, it was far enough along to be included on a tour by the American Community Garden Association, which happened to be having their annual conference in Atlanta that year. They wanted to highlight the trend of community gardens popping up in suburban areas. They say, correctly, that community gardens can spur neighborhood and community development, beautify neighborhoods and provide food, fun, and social interaction.

To get a plot and get in on all the fun, you will need to join the Johns Creek Garden Association, which costs $10 annually. The money goes toward maintaining the garden. Applications for available plots will be accepted through March 16. Each plot is 4 feet by 8 feet. The garden also features four raised beds for those who prefer working above ground level, such as seniors.

A garden plot application fee is $60 and seniors pay $25, all of which is refundable if you cannot secure a plot.

So get out your gloves, pick up some seed packets or seedlings at your Johns Creek plant nursery, and go outside and grow food, friends, and fellowship! To apply, visit the Garden Association’s website. For more information, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..