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Consistency Is Key

This month, Woodstock Family Life begins its 12th year of providing positive, educational, and entertaining content about interesting topics in our community, contributed by local experts and creatives. So, we want to take this opportunity to thank our loyal readers and our advertisers who make it possible for us to deliver our complimentary magazines to thousands of Cherokee County homes and businesses each month.

Though many print and electronic media outlets seem to bombard us with negative or unsettling information, Woodstock Family Life consistently strives to keep readers informed about the positive happenings in the area, so we can celebrate the things that bring us together rather than focusing on topics that are divisive and polarizing. We hope to be a breath of fresh air compared to other content you may consume.

Speaking of consistency, many of us have non-negotiables in our daily lives. For example, some people wake up at the same time each morning to start their day with a workout, meditation, or prayer. Through trial and error, they've likely learned that their day doesn't go as smoothly when they don't make time for certain priorities.

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit." -Will Durant.

So, as the new school year begins and families settle into their hectic routines filled with getting kids up and ready for the day, drop-offs/pickups, arriving to work on time, attending after-school sports and activities, assisting with homework, and all the other responsibilities that come with adjusting to this time of year, establishing a consistent schedule will likely be in everyone's best interest. While there's certainly a time and place for spontaneity, there's comfort in routine and knowing exactly what to expect.

Happy August! 

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