By Brooke Schmidt on Friday, 11 November 2022
Category: Canton Notes

Continuing on Its Creative Path City of Canton Seeks Residents’ Input for Arts Master Plan

 Canton's mayor and City Council have set clear intentions for economic development as well as resident and visitor experiences in the city of Canton. Adding a manager of economic development & tourism to Team Canton last year and forming the Canton Cultural Arts Commission (CCAC) are two major accomplishments. Naturally following these arts and culture wins for our city, the CCAC's choice to hire Designing Local for the completion of an arts master plan is a creative next step to continue community planning and cultural arts initiatives over the next 10 years.

Designing Local is a firm that specializes in connecting people to places through culture. The company's experienced leaders focus on strategic investment in arts and culture by helping communities identify their unique qualities and then developing strategies to invest in the enhancement of this identity. This can include public art, placemaking initiatives, urban design, and opportunities for cultural programming. A final public art plan will outline strategies in succinct, realistic, and measurable ways.

Why Public and Cultural Arts?
Arts and culture are strong examples of economic assets. Arts and culture businesses that provide jobs in fine arts, crafts, advertising, graphic arts, and cultural tourism contribute directly to our local economy and attract tourism dollars. Visitors experiencing the arts also dine out and purchase goods and services in the city. Solid cultural nonprofits can provide grants, training, and education that build on a local creative economy as well. Contributing to a city's identity, public and cultural arts initiatives enhance quality of life for residents and visitors. Urban planning research even shows that the arts create stronger community connections and a sense of better public health and belonging.

"Canton's art master plan is exciting, as it will provide vision and clear direction for the future of the growing arts here," says Kristin Norton Green, Canton Theatre events and facilities director. "Implementing the plan will help tell Canton's stories in beneficial and meaningful ways."

Share Your Creative Input!
Designing Local wants to hear from Canton residents, students, and business owners of all ages and backgrounds. What do the arts mean to you? What kinds of projects are meaningful to you? Please share your feedback at