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Dear neighbors and friends,

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for selecting me to serve as the 31st mayor of the City of Woodstock. I am grateful, and I intend to give it my all.

For the past several years, you have provided me with the opportunity to serve as our community's voice in the Georgia House of Representatives, which has been a truly humbling honor. During my time in the legislature, I held more public meetings than any elected official in America, and I intend to maintain the same level of transparency and accessibility in the mayor's office. If there is ever anything I can do for you, please don't hesitate to call me on my personal cell phone at 678-523-8570 or email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

In addition to the new responsibilities that will be required as Woodstock's mayor, my wife Katie and I are raising our children, Oliver (7) and Elizabeth (2), and we are expecting our third child in March. Katie is the president of the Board of Directors at Woodstock Arts (formerly Elm Street Cultural Arts Village), and I am one of Gov. Brian Kemp's appointments on the Georgia Technology Authority. I own and make my living as a managing partner at Black Airplane in downtown Woodstock, which is a custom software development firm that employs nearly 30 full-time employees. Our family is all-in for this city, and we're dedicated to keeping it one of the very best places to live in America.

Woodstock is an award-winning, unique place, and best of all — it's home. In 2021, Money Magazine named Woodstock one of the top 50 places to live in the United States. Woodstock has won multiple awards, including being named one of the safest cities in Georgia. It is the largest city in Cherokee County and serves as its economic center.

Citizens of Woodstock see value in small government, low taxes, a vibrant downtown, and an intentional community. We live in a city where the arts are valued, and neighbors take care of one another. We take pride in our sense of place, and the chapter we're entering will define the Woodstock our next generation will inherit.

By prioritizing a more connected city with grid streets and new trails, we'll double down on that sense of place. By focusing our efforts on commercial diversification and enabling Woodstock's entrepreneurs to build their businesses and create jobs here at home, we'll build a financially sustainable future and tackle our traffic challenges at the same time.

This is our city. Our home. With your help, we're going to build a place that stands the test of time. We're going to build a home that our children will be proud to call theirs. We have a great task ahead, but thanks to the sturdy foundation created by great leadership, firm financial footing, and a strong sense of community, we have the building blocks to make this city even better and maintain that special sense of "Woodstock."

With all the gratitude I can muster, thank you! Let's get to work.


Mayor Michael Caldwell 

The Gift of Life
Escape Room