By Mayor Joe Lockwood on Tuesday, 19 May 2020
Category: North Fulton Notes

Embracing A New Normal

After a spring that, I’m pretty sure, lasted at least 12 years, summer is here. Finally. However, this summer in Milton won’t be like the 2019 version or any version before it. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed many things — including our perspective, and that’s going to stick for a while.

In City government, we’re used to dealing with emergencies. Still, when you have a winter storm, the snow and ice eventually melt, and in Georgia, it’s usually sooner rather than later. But this pandemic has lingered with constant new developments that have turned our world upside down.

We had to figure out what really mattered. We redefined who is a hero, with doctors, nurses, first responders, delivery workers, and supermarket clerks atop the list. Too many people lost jobs or lost friends or loved ones to COVID-19. Even healthy individuals dealt with the strains of hunkering down, unsure when the ordeal would end. 

Working together, we’ll get through this. But, honestly, I don’t know when we’ll fully return to “normal.” Even now, there’s plenty of uncertainty. But there’s plenty of appreciation, too.

More than ever, I’m grateful to City staff – from firefighters to police officers to public works crew members to permit technicians – who kept our government working, and working well, during challenging times. I appreciate Milton businesses that, like many, suffered but still provided so much charm and vitality to our city. I know how special it is to venture out in Milton, whether dining off Highway 9, strolling through Providence Park, enjoying Crabapple, or watching a game at Bell Memorial Park.

And most importantly, I’d like to thank our citizens who chose to act responsibly to help minimize this virus’ risks to everyone.

Now’s the time to step up, in whatever way we can, to pair our appreciation with action. Our restaurants and shops need us to support them, which we’ll obviously do while using responsible judgment. In different ways, our neighbors also need our support. A strong community can greatly benefit both families with bottled-up kids and seniors who have rarely left home. 

I’m proud Milton has an incredible, and incredibly important, community. And I’m proud to be its mayor.