By Julie Senger on Monday, 17 June 2024
Category: Editor's Outlook

Framing Our Questions

As we wrap up the final issue of volume 11 of Woodstock Family Life and prepare to celebrate our nation's independence on July 4 with fabulous fireworks displays and fun activities (check out our Events Calendar on pages 6-8 to make plans for the big day!), many of us are also getting our children ready to return to school next month, so be sure to see pages 20-21 for our feature about how to get your child excited about learning!

While trying to light a fire for knowledge in our children, notice how even though most of us are no longer in school, we're still constantly learning new things about our jobs, our hobbies and daily activities, each other, and ourselves. But sometimes the quality of the answers we receive in our pursuit of wisdom and information depends on the questions we ask — and not just what we ask, but how we ask it. How we frame our questions is as important as the questions themselves.

For example, executive performance coach Julie Gurner said, "The questions you ask yourself will largely determine the answers you get. 'Why am I not successful?' You'll get answers that berate you. 'How can I succeed here?' You'll get answers that push you. Be deliberate in the questions you ask yourself." Of course, this applies to the questions we ask others, too.

So, as we begin back-to-school shopping later this month and help our children get pumped for their next successful year of learning, let's also think about how we ask about things when trying to educate ourselves. Receiving answers that inform, inspire, and motivate us should always be the end goal. Any questions?

Happy Independence Day! Let Freedom Ring!