By Senator John Albers on Monday, 25 August 2014
Category: Senator John Albers

Fulfilling Your Civic Duty

This November, Georgians have a chance to make their voices heard in a number of important elections that will define our state for years to come. With the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Georgia State Senate and House of Representatives, and every constitutional officer up for election, it has never been more important for Georgians to get to their local polls to vote.

We are at a critical juncture in our state's history, where opponents of economically friendly policies want voters to "switch course" and support ideologies that have failed Americans time and time again. Now, more than ever, we need eligible voters at the polls to uphold traditional values that encourage job creation and limited government intrusion.

The U.S. constitution affords us many rights that should never be taken for granted. The election process allows us a chance to elect individuals who hold these core values close to their hearts and are willing to stand up against any opposition. In addition to electing a U.S. senator to fill Senator Saxby Chambliss' seat, we will also be voting for the re-election of Governor Nathan Deal and Lieutenant Governor Casey Cagle. Furthermore, we will make our voices heard on important races for Attorney General, Secretary of State, State Superintendent of Schools, Insurance Commissioner, Agriculture Commissioner, Labor Commissioner and two Public Service Commissioners; all make up Georgia's Constitutional Officers, those positions set forth by Georgia's constitution elected statewide, as well as the entire state legislature.

The governor is the only elected official restricted by term limits; if/when he is re-elected, he will be at his maximum number of two terms. The rest of our highest public office holders adhere to four-year terms with no term limits while each election takes place during the mid-term elections (vs. a presidential election year). The only exception is public service commissioners, who serve staggered six-year terms, with two officers up for election every four years. It is essential that we keep each and every office mentioned above in the hands of common sense individuals who understand the value of hard work and what it takes to advance our economy in the 21st century.

I cannot reiterate how important it is for you, your family, friends and congregations to get out and vote. Over the last 30 years, mid-term elections experienced 17 percent less turnout than presidential elections, and this discrepancy has only widened in recent years. Voter turnout could make the difference between a prosperous future for our children and one burdened with debt and higher taxes. We all must exercise our most basic right and head to the polls this November; after all, it's our civic duty. I also encourage you to research the different ways to vote early and share them with anyone who may be interested at

As always, it continues to be an honor to serve you, my constituents, from the 56th Senate District. If there is ever any way I can be of service to you, please don't hesitate to contact my office.