By Senator Brandon Beach on Friday, 25 July 2014
Category: Senator Brandon Beach

Growing the Top Line to Cut Taxes

Our major competitors, Texas, Florida and North Carolina, are out-spending Georgia on their economic development efforts. I believe having the money and resources are important, but the strategy to target certain job sectors and geographic areas are equally important.

Let's examine our assets. Georgia has the busiest airport in the world; the 4th busiest port in the nation; excellent higher education and research; an educated workforce; great healthcare, including the CDC; great amenities, like the World Congress Center; great weather; and much more to be successful.

Now, let's examine our liabilities. In Cherokee County, we are blessed with an excellent K-12 education system. In fact, Cherokee County students had the highest SAT scores in the state in 2012 and the highest SAT scores in metro Atlanta and the second-highest in state in 2013. But statewide, our SAT scores are too low and our dropout rate is too high. We must replicate Cherokee County Schools throughout Georgia. We are under the gun with a court order to address the water supply from Lake Lanier. At this point in the process, permits for a reservoir will take too long. We must look at underground storage as an immediate solution. We have the limestone that makes underground storage doable without a 404 permit.

Finally, we must have a statewide transportation plan that moves people, goods and services throughout our state. We must increase mobility and decrease congestion.

We must develop a strategy to sell and promote our assets to prospective companies and let them know that we have a plan and solutions to address our liabilities. I believe we need to target companies in California, New York and Ohio. Companies are leaving these states because of the high cost of doing business there. Companies are burdened with high corporate taxes, unions and the high cost of living for their employees.

Our assets far outweigh our liabilities. If we have an adequate, quality water supply, excellent world-class education, transportation that reduces congestion and increases mobility, and a tax system that brings Georgia into the 21st century, we will retain the jobs we have while also attracting new jobs to Georgia.

When we accomplish this, we will increase the top line without having to furlough teachers, cut education, or raise fees and/or taxes. You cannot cut your way to prosperity. Growing jobs is the key to prosperity.

Brandon Beach is a State Senator, District 21, who represents a portion of Cherokee County in the Georgia General Assembly.