By Senator John Albers on Wednesday, 22 June 2016
Category: Senator John Albers

Happy Birthday America

On July 4th, across our nation, families and friends enjoy precious time together and celebrate our nation’s birth. It’s a day when liberty and laughter go hand-in-hand. While we can acknowledge our challenges, we’re happy and proud, and why not? We’re free and know the best days of America are yet to come.

Across America, in towns both big and small, we’re reminded of what a diverse, yet united, country we celebrate. Each in its own special way will carry out a wish expressed by one of the Founding Fathers 240 years ago.

John Adams wrote his wife, Abigail, that the anniversary of our independence should be observed with great fanfare: ``…with pomp and parades…shows and games…and sports and guns and bells…with bonfires and illuminations, from one end of this continent to the other, and from this time forevermore.’’ President Adams can rest assured that his dream has come true. When we light up the skies each 4th of July, we rejoice in the most exciting and ongoing adventure in human freedom the world has ever known.

It began with the pilgrims, when a group of courageous families braved a mighty ocean to build a better future in a new world. They came not for material gain, but to secure liberty for their souls within a community bound by laws. Freedom of religion still faces obstacles in our nation, and we should always stand up and fight for it.

On July 4, 1776, the United States of America forever changed the very concept of government. Here was a new nation telling the world it was conceived in liberty; that all men are created equal, with God-given rights, and that power ultimately resides in “We the people.” Sometimes, we forget this great truth, and we never should let ourselves or others steal our most powerful and secret weapons – FREEDOM and LIBERTY. It’s the way we’ve kept the spirit of our revolution alive, a spirit that drives us to dream and dare, and take great risks for a greater good. It’s the spirit of Edison, Ford, the Wright brothers, Lindbergh, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and so many more. It’s the spirit of Joe Louis, Babe Ruth, Hank Aaron and millions more who are living the American Dream.

Let’s all renew our spirit and look to the future with new hope and confidence. We can make America great again by putting the destiny of this nation back in the hands of the people. And why shouldn’t we? After all, we are Americans!

As Dwight Eisenhower once said, ``There is nothing wrong with America that the faith, love of freedom, intelligence and energy of her citizens cannot cure.’’