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Happy New Year

I can’t believe it’s already here: the mid-point in the “kid year.” The time when all of us, young and seasoned, dread the holidays ending and going back to work or school.This also is true for our city government. Coming later in January is our annual planning retreat. This is the time when the city council gets together to set the goals for the coming year. Two major issues on the table this year include the widening of the intersection of Towne Lake Parkway, Arnold Mill Road and Main Street.

This improvement will allow a left turn lane to be added from east on Towne Lake Parkway onto Main Street. The other major issue is the planned amphitheater off of Arnold Mill Road. This long-awaited project is to accommodate a much better experience for the concert series. Last year, the Main Street Woodstock Concert Series brought more than 35,000 people to Downtown Woodstock, spending money in our merchants’ stores and restaurants. While the project most likely will be scaled down from its original design, the amphitheater still will provide a much better experience for concert-goers.

Another major project to be discussed is the drilling of water wells in Woodstock. We have already drilled test wells, and several have shown promise. If we can provide our own water instead of buying from Cobb or Cherokee counties, then we can keep City costs down and, thereby, keep water bills low.

There are many other topics to be discussed at the retreat, which is open to the public and press. The planning retreat will be held 12:00-5:00 p.m., January 24, and 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m., January 25, at Magnolia Hall, right behind Magnolia Thomas restaurant. I encourage you to stay informed on what your City government is doing by attending the retreat, reading the press accounts or reading the minutes of the retreat at

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