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Happy Trails

Cherokee County and its municipalities are among the safest in Georgia. Yet, recent events have raised awareness of safety, particularly on the trails in metro Atlanta. In Woodstock alone, cyclists from across the state bike more than 60,000 miles every month on trails in parks and throughout the city. With continued growth come both challenge and opportunity.

Woodstock's trail system began with the vision of the Woodstock Mayor and City Council in 2007. With significant input from residents, business owners, and others, the resulting Greenprints Project master plan was formally adopted as part of the Comprehensive Town Plan 2030. The plan calls for a 60-plus-mile trail and open-space network throughout the city and surrounding areas. With construction under way or set to begin over the next year on the WellStar Community Health Trail at Woodstock Elementary School, the Rubes Creek Trail, Towne Lake Pass Trail, and the Community Health Trail at Dupree Park, our community will continue to grow as a destination for outdoor enthusiasts.

The trail system is routinely patrolled by Woodstock Police, Fire, and Parks & Recreation employees. We recognize, however, that community engagement, creative problem solving, and effective partnerships hold the key to enduring improvements in public safety and the quality of life in our community.

To further augment safety on the trail, the City, in partnership with Greenprints Alliance and the Southern Off-Road Bicycle Association of Woodstock (SORBA), has developed a Trail Watch program comprised of community volunteers trained in trail safety, basic first-aid, and CPR. These identifiable volunteers observe and document trail-safety issues, provide a positive presence on the trails, serve as additional eyes and ears throughout the system, and promote safety reminders, such as:

Know operating hours (dawn to dusk) and regulations for use.
When possible, use the buddy system and be sure someone knows where you are.
Use routes most frequently used by others.
Take a cell phone and know your location at all times.
Be alert for suspicious activity and immediately report it to 911.
If using headphones, keep the volume such that you can hear others around you.
If driving to the trail, don't leave valuables visible in your vehicle.

Woodstock trails have a lot to offer. I encourage you to explore the City of Woodstock's website ( to learn more about them. You also can stay connected by following us on Facebook, Nation of Neighbors, Nixle, and Twitter. For more information on the Trail Watch Program or to volunteer, call 770-517-6788.

Remember, a vigilant community is a safe community. Be safe, and happy trails!

Calvin W. Moss is Chief of Police for Woodstock Police Dept. 770-592-6012, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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