By Jack Tuszynski on Thursday, 23 May 2019
Category: Publisher's Perspective

Here's to Good Health

Recently, I have come to discover that I have been taking my good health for granted. As fun as it was to live carelessly in my youth, it’s time I discovered the importance of not putting my health at risk. Now, this doesn’t mean that I’ll stop the fun, adrenaline-filled activities I enjoy, but I do recognize that without proper maintenance, my aging body will not withstand the challenges I force it to endure.My mother raised me to eat healthy and stay away from junk food and soda, which keeps my motor running smoothly. However, I’ve been having issues with my frame and transmission recently.

It started with a little pain, which I chalked up to age, so I exercised more. Well, that wasn’t a good idea, and I made matters worse. I discovered it’s important to see a health care professional if you fall victim to unexplainable pain.

You might be surprised how many people put off taking care of their physical ailments, but early identification is the best way to have issues treated and resolved. Just because it doesn’t stop you from going about your life, doesn’t mean you should ignore it. We all want to live a quality life, so the fact that our health doesn’t become important to us until it begins to decline is ironic.

You may not think you have time for exercise and healthy eating, but do you have time for sickness, medical bills, or excessive weight gain? Our family and loved ones need us and want us to be healthy and happy. The sooner we start getting our health in check, the better.

It’s never too late to make positive changes for our well-being. Fortunately, I was blessed to find out the underlying problem of my pain, and I’m getting it corrected. In a sense, I was right — I am just getting older. That, in itself, is a blessing! I look forward to more time with family, friends, and loved ones, enjoying life and all its wonders this summer, while keeping my health more in check than ever before.