By Senator John Albers on Tuesday, 23 May 2017
Category: Senator John Albers

In Review — the 2017 Legislative Session

The 2017 legislative session was very busy and productive with both chambers vetting, debating and passing legislation that will have a positive impact on how Georgians live, work and play.

I enjoy my time at the Capitol because I get to work on a wide range of issues and properly vet legislation that will help promote economic growth within our local community and throughout the state. My colleagues and I try to focus on doing what is best for our constituents, and often times, that means putting differences aside and working together.

This past session, the Senate saw an increase in bills introduced. There were 296 Senate bills introduced during the 2017 session. Of those, 261 were general bills, and 35 were local bills. Of the 296 introduced bills, 66 passed. The Senate also passed legislation creating eleven Senate Study Committees, which will meet during the interim.

One of these is the Senate Special Tax Exemption Study Committee, created by the passage of Senate Resolution 222. I sponsored SR 222, so we can properly and thoroughly examine the purpose of tax exemptions and how they can benefit Georgia’s economy. The Committee will work with the Department of Revenue to examine the costs and benefits of all state tax exemptions.

Along with sponsoring SR 222, I was honored to carry House Bill 146. This important legislation would require every fire department to insure each firefighter for certain cancers after having served twelve consecutive months with the department. Under HB 146, a separate disability benefit will be established for firefighters who suffer an injury or illness and are unable to work.

This past session is not the first time my colleagues and I tried to pass this important legislation. During the 2016 legislative session, we did our best to compromise and come up with a measure that everyone could be happy with. We passed HB 216, but it was ultimately vetoed. However, in every challenge, you look for a blessing. In this case, the new solution is much better!

Our public safety officers are under attack almost daily, both literally and figuratively. By passing HB 146, we are turning the tide in favor of those who put so much on the line for us.

By unanimously supporting HB 146, we showed Georgia’s firefighters that we have their back.
If you have any questions about legislation that was sent to the governor or that did not pass, please do not hesitate to reach out. Although the session is over, my work on your behalf does not come to an end.

Throughout the summer and fall months, I will be busy attending study committee meetings and working on solutions to some of the problems currently affecting our district and state. I urge you to contact me by phone or email with any questions, concerns or feedback.