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In Support of the Atlanta Public Safety Training Center

I proudly stand in support of the new Atlanta Public Safety Training Center. I served as a firefighter for over three decades, and five generations of my family have honorably served as first responders (fire, police, EMS, 911). I know firsthand the importance of training my brothers and sisters in public safety. I cannot imagine anyone would believe that fully training our bravest and finest is not in the best interest of our men and women in uniform as well as those they are sworn to serve and protect.

As the Senate Chairman of Public Safety, I work daily with our counterparts on the city, county, school, state, and federal levels. There are many important priorities and challenges on any given day. However, the ability to protect and respond to citizens during their times of need is supreme. Please take a moment to thank those who serve on the front lines in our communities and risk their lives for us.

While there are people who support the idea of defunding the police, even the most "progressive" cities in the nation are realizing the catastrophic impacts of their shortsighted decision-making and deciding to change course. Reducing public safety funding and training leads to higher crime and longer response times, which endangers people. Maintaining or increasing funding for first responders is crucial to ensuring the safety and stability of our communities, as the roles they play in deterring crime, responding to emergencies, and upholding the rule of law are indispensable.

We're blessed to live in the United States because if we don't like the direction our country is headed in, we can use our vote to facilitate change. I wish those circulating a petition would spend time attempting to pass the police academy, fire academy, or paramedic school. Many would not succeed because it's hard to be courageous and rush in when all others run away. And as Col. Mike Steele says, "Patriotism without action is counterfeit."

Last year, Gov. Brian Kemp led the way, as we worked to aid Atlanta by creating the Joint Law Enforcement Task Force to tackle the escalating crime challenges. This has proven effective along with new and strong leadership from the mayor and chief of police. It is hard to lead and govern, but it is the right thing to do. I applaud and will lock arms with all those showing the courage to support this critically important initiative.

No matter where you live in Georgia, Atlanta is our capital city. A safe, secure, and prosperous Atlanta is important to every Georgian — and specifically those in Cherokee County. Supporting the new Atlanta Public Safety Training Center is essential for the well-being and security of everyone. It is paramount that we provide our first responders with the necessary resources and knowledge, as they play an irreplaceable role in maintaining order, deterring criminal activity, and ensuring that our neighborhoods remain safe places to live, work, and play. 

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