By Senator Bruce Thompson on Tuesday, 23 June 2020
Category: Senator Bruce Thompson

In Times Like These...

So far, this year has been a trying time for our nation. COVID-19 continues to illicit fear in many because of all the conflicting medical information. If you don’t like the opinion you just heard about whether masks help or not, just change your television to another channel for a different opinion. Can the coronavirus live two hours, two days, or two weeks on surfaces? Will there be another wave this fall, or have we been able to minimize its effects and contain it?

Also, in past months, many of us were horrified to see video of the brutal killing of two men – Ahmaud Arbery in Brunswick, Georgia, and George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota – and wondered how this could happen in 2020. Throughout the country, we watched peaceful protests get hijacked and quickly become harmful and destructive riots, which deviated from the original cause and led to more police clashes.

If I have heard it once, I have heard it a million times, “You aren’t from around here are you?” The truth is that I am not from the South, and I truly did not understand, but I sincerely desired to. So, I reached out to several of my black friends to help me. The more I understood how they felt, the more broken my heart became. A racial divide continues to plague our communities, fueling hatred on both sides, and it will never stop until all people take the bible’s second commandment seriously, “Love your neighbor as yourself.”

Recently, while sitting on my back deck enjoying the summer air, I began to ask myself if this could truly be happening. Our country went from the best economy on record to unsustainable unemployment in a matter of weeks, setting the stage for a restless and angry America that resented government actions. I couldn’t help but wonder what we were going to do to get back on track.

During the 1990s, many teens wore WWJD? (What Would Jesus Do?) bracelets as a reminder of their faith and commitment to Christ and as an outward demonstration of their love for Jesus. A few years later, the FROG (Fully Rely On God) bracelet emerged as an answer to WWJD? Maybe those who wore these bracelets had it right.