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It Pays to Be Safe

This past March, Canton ranked fifth out of fifty on a list of the safest cities in Georgia by This most recent listing means Canton has ranked in the top ten safest cities in Georgia for three consecutive years. Such an acclaim assures us of the great work the City and our law enforcement is doing to ensure our safety.

However, beyond the ranking, knowing that a city and its neighborhoods, communities and properties are safe is also a solid indicator of economic confidence, which encourages new investment. The economic impact of crime on neighborhoods and businesses potentially creates a negative effect on communities that can take many years to overcome.

The negative impact of a high crime rate on local businesses can manifest itself in the hesitancy of potential investors to invest in an existing location due to increased risks, difficulty in hiring new employees, security concerns of real and personal property and an overall reduction in competiveness.

In addition, crime negatively affects tourism. For the most part, tourists tend to stay away from places where they do not feel safe. This also hurts businesses that rely on foot-traffic, high vehicle counts and visibility to be profitable. High crime also lowers property values and adversely impacts quality of life.

Essentially, the presence of high crime in communities creates a domino effect that is far-reaching. That is why it is important that we appreciate this good news, and embrace the reality that Canton is a
safe city.

Thus, when potential business owners ask me about the crime rate and safety ratings of Canton, I can share with them the good news of the City’s consistent high rankings. It certainly helps give them more confidence in Canton’s ability to support new investments and job creation. Safety is, perhaps, the best incentive there is for a new business.

Since the safety we enjoy in Canton and Cherokee County is, in large part, due to the hard work and dedication of our public safety agencies, it is only fitting that we should extend a big “thank you” to the Canton Police Department (led by Chief Mark Mitchell) and the Canton Fire Department (led by Chief Dean Floyd), in addition to the numerous other public safety agencies in Cherokee County and across the region that help keep us safe. Because of their hard work, community safety is one less factor our existing and future citizens and businesses have to worry about.

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