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It’s Time for Regional Transit Solutions

Life in metro Atlanta came to screeching halt at the end of March when a portion of I-85 collapsed. People who live in north Fulton, DeKalb and Gwinnett Counties were forced to find alternative routes to get into and out of Atlanta. The only good thing to come from this catastrophe is that people are now seeing the value in transit options and are beginning to use commute alternatives like MARTA.

Last year, I pushed hard for more transit options like expanding MARTA rail lines in Fulton and DeKalb Counties. The legislation I proposed would have allowed the people of Fulton and DeKalb Counties to approve a half-percent sales tax for investment in transit. After a clear defeat in the Senate, it was obvious that metro Atlanta wasn’t ready to invest in long-term transit solutions at the time

Some opponents of the MARTA expansion legislation cited the bill’s language was too narrow, since it only included two of the metro area’s five most populous counties. To address this, I cosponsored Senate Bill 6, which would’ve created the Georgia Regional Transit Council (GRTC). This Council would’ve been responsible for establishing a statewide, strategic transit plan to enhance Georgia’s transportation infrastructure. To be clear, the GRTC was not just going to be a study committee that would once again review the inadequacies of our transportation infrastructure. The last thing we need to do is waste more taxpayer dollars studying something we already know is an issue.

This Council’s mission would’ve been to develop a seamless transportation network with dependable trip times for commuters, road congestion relief, enhanced limited access highways, safety enhancements and plans for future transportation initiatives. However, just because the legislature didn’t find value this session, I will not give up. Considering the recent collapse of one of the state’s main transportation arteries, it’s more important now than ever before that we bring together Georgia’s transit authorities and agencies to work as a unified body to develop and execute a plan to be prepared for whatever may happen in the future.

While fixing our interstate systems will be a lot of work, many have been very quick to respond to the needs of Georgians by getting Atlanta back up and running. The Georgia Department of Transportation has done a fantastic job repairing the I-85 bridge in a timely manner. MARTA and GRTA quickly assessed the need for expanded service and stepped up to the plate to ensure Georgians could have efficient commutes. Additionally, Georgians adapted quickly to the unusual circumstance and adjusted their routines. This willingness to adjust with little complaint proved that our community is able to unite and adapt to unexpected events at the drop of a hat.

Even though SB 6 did not pass, now is the time to come up with a regional transit solution that will benefit all Georgians.

In Review — the 2017 Legislative Session
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