By FLP Staff on Monday, 26 March 2018
Category: North Fulton Notes

Johns Creek: Forging a Legacy of Premier Residential Living

It never ceases to amaze me the amount of talent we have in our relatively small city of 83,000. From Jeff Foxworthy, Usher, and Angelica Hale, and prominent news anchors such as Karyn Greer and Russ Spencer, to Olympic medalists, CEOs and other senior-level corporate executives, and top-tier educators.Johns Creek continues to be a beacon that attracts high performers from all walks of life. Have you ever stopped to wonder why that is? What is it about Johns Creek that continues to make us so desirable?

We began on this journey in 2006 when we developed a vision and plan to become a premier residential community, and we continued to refine the plans that resulted each year until we arrived where we are today. So, now that these plans have become a reality, what do we see in our future?

During last month’s annual State of the City address, I asked those in attendance to imagine along with us, and to visualize the future of Johns Creek. The entire event was recorded and is available on the City’s website at I invite you to view the State of the City, and respond with your thoughts and ideas on where we go next as a community.

From the latest draft version of the Comprehensive Plan (, which maps out the next ten years for Johns Creek, to the City Council’s decision to adopt a strategic focus on healthcare innovation and wellness — known as “iHeart Johns Creek” ( — I believe we are on the right path to sustain our success.

The City of Johns Creek would have never reached as high as it has without a vision and plan in place to responsibly move us forward. The schools within our city are some of the most awarded in the state, and we are consistently ranked as not only the safest city in Georgia, but also among the safest and most highly desired residential communities in the nation. With this great foundation firmly in place, I believe we will be able to create the vision that keeps us on track and propels us forward.

While I am very content with where we are as a community today, and optimistic about our future, I am not satisfied — and I’m not quite sure that I ever will be — but that’s ok. It means that I recognize there is still so much more for us to do together to help ensure our future is even brighter tomorrow than we can begin to imagine today.

Together, I am confident we will continue to achieve great things for the City of Johns Creek. Together, we will continue to set the standard by which other communities will measure greatness. And together, I believe we will forge a legacy that truly defines what premier residential living means for the generations that follow.