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Johns Creek's Future Park Plans and Traffic Congestion Relief

As 2017 continues to move along, the City Council and staff continue to push forward with decisions and plans designed to transform Johns Creek’s future into an even more exceptional, premier residential community.

With the significant acquisitions of park land last year and the most recent land purchase in June, available park land inventory has grown to more than 400 acres. This exceptional effort was to take advantage of opportunities to purchase valuable and vanishing raw land in Johns Creek for all citizens to enjoy. Following the City Council’s vote to proceed, the City staff is currently working with outside contractors to develop construction designs for the pocket parks at State Bridge Road and Bell and Boles Road; the Morton Road neighborhood park, and the linear park in Technology Park. Each of these mini-parks will have a unique personality, activities and reference to the surrounding area.

Our sixth new park, Quail Hollow, adjoins Cauley Creek. Combined, this creates more than 190 acres along the Chattahoochee River near the Abbotts Bridge Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area to our parks system. This represents a unique opportunity to carefully plan for both active and passive recreation and to make the best use of the land for all citizens.  Moving forward, we expect to take additional time to develop a concept for public review before proceeding with construction documents. We’ll walk hand-in-hand with citizens to plan our parks, so your input is instrumental. We’ll be sure to keep you informed via Facebook, Twitter, and NextDoor, as well as through other communication channels.

The City also continues its work in coordination with the City of Duluth on the historic Rogers Bridge restoration project across the Chattahoochee River. Once complete, the new bridge will connect park facilities for pedestrians and cyclists. With the construction of five new parks, the refurbishment of our four existing parks, and increased recreational opportunities within our community, our goal is to keep pace with the growing and changing needs of residents.

Another critical area that’s always in our focus is how best to mitigate traffic congestion in Johns Creek. It has remained the number one issue in recent years, as surrounding municipalities continue rapid growth.

With this in mind, the City Council made the decision last fall to develop a series of traffic mitigation, or TSPLOST projects (, which are geared toward providing relief to residents as the top priority. There are no plans that have been finalized at this stage. As with our parks plans, your involvement and feedback will help steer our final decisions toward the best-balanced outcome. We also intend to coordinate each of our projects with neighboring municipalities to help ensure traffic flows as efficiently and safely as possible.

The exact timing of the projects has yet to be set, so we encourage you to continue to provide your feedback for each of the projects (  Be sure to visit regularly to stay on top of all developments.

September 2017
A Novel Idea