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Johns Creek to Add 4 New Parks

I am very pleased with the Johns Creek City Council’s decision last month to move forward with the process of developing construction documents on four of Johns Creek’s five new parks. The City Council’s action represents a big step forward in what is shaping up to be a transformational year in Johns Creek. The addition of these beautiful green spaces and what they will mean to our residents they serve is very exciting.

The four parks include the linear park in Technology Park, the neighborhood park on Morton Road, and the two pocket parks located on State Bridge Road and at the intersection of Bell and Boles Roads.

The concept design of the fifth new park at Cauley Creek is still under discussion, and the City Council anticipates a decision on the final design later this year. The current design concepts for each of the five new parks can viewed at

The construction of each park will be funded by the parks bond, which was passed by residents of Johns Creek. The bond, for an amount up to $40,000,000, will be used for the development and acquisition of parks and green space.

The City’s four existing parks will also benefit, as each will be refurbished through this funding mechanism. Once the construction and refurbishment on all the parks is complete, the City will have the look and feel of nine new parks.

Additionally, the bond has enabled the old Rogers Bridge restoration project to move forward. The new bridge across the Chattahoochee River will connect park facilities for pedestrians and cyclists in Johns Creek to Duluth, which expands more recreational opportunities for our residents.

The City also intends to continue to identify opportunities to purchase additional greenspace in its ongoing desire to meet the recreational needs of its growing population, which is in line with its Recreation and Parks Strategic Plan.

The Recreation and Parks Strategic Plan ( is a reflection of the community’s needs and priorities for the provision of recreation sites, facilities and programs. The plan was developed following a five-month planning process in 2015 that included extensive community outreach and input from over 1,500 individuals through interviews, surveys, community meetings and social media interactions.

Based on the input received, key consensus items in the plan include acquisition of additional park land, expansion of recreational facilities, addition of multi-purpose athletic fields, development of an indoor recreation center, expansion of facilities and programs for seniors, addition of a cricket field, connectivity between parks and activity centers, a broader range of programs to serve all age groups, planning for a city-wide recreational greenway/trail system, and improvements to existing facility maintenance.

Your feedback has been valuable regarding your desire for more parks and greenspace. We will continue to do our best to balance the needs of residents and provide exceptional recreational facilities.

July 2017
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