By Candice on Thursday, 22 June 2017
Category: Publisher's Perspective

July 2017

Looking back over the past few years, we have seen incredible growth, prosperity and success in our local communities. Songwriter Billy Joe Shaver once sang, “I’m just an ol’ lump of coal, but I’m a gonna be a diamond someday.” This is indicative of how each day, we have the opportunity to polish and refine ourselves to become the best we can be. Through sometimes unbelievable daily stresses, it is our inert tolerance that defeats the heat and pressure, making us shine.

Each day, we can build upon the previous day, goal or experience. We were born to create; we work and thrive, not only as individuals, but as families, schools, churches and businesses. Each of us, regardless of stature, has a supporting role in this process. Not all of us were born to be cornerstones, but we each have our place. Like stones in a wall, there is much hammering and chipping away to shape us for our intended use. We become bound by our connections, working side-by-side to create a solid foundation and steady structure, as we build together.

We form and create communities not just with brick and mortar, but also in our relationships. So, let’s lift and build each other up, connect and strengthen our bond, always striving to be good examples for our children and each other.

As we celebrate the anniversary of Family Life Publications this month and enter our fifth year of creating these magazines for you, we realize how truly blessed we are to be your neighbors and friends. Thank you for your accomplishments and every smile you’ve shared. Thank you for being here with us.