By Senator Brandon Beach on Thursday, 22 December 2016
Category: Senator John Albers

Let Freedom Ring

Happy New Year! Thank you for the great honor and privilege to serve you in elected office. I was humbled and overwhelmed to achieve another landslide re-election victory in November.  We return to the Senate on January 9th and will be sworn in for the next legislative biennial at the Georgia Capitol.

This has been an incredible experience and opportunity. I have met and been able to serve thousands of people in a variety of ways during my tenure. While some days are very challenging, my focus and drive to make a meaningful difference for families endlessly motivates me.

I would like to say a special “thank you” to my wife, Kari, sons, Will and Ryan, and extended family for their unending support. My family as well as the countless supporters and volunteers make the difference in every election.

I will continue with the same single promise from several years ago—no one  will work harder and/or with more of a sense of urgency to serve you. I have a bold vision for Georgia and America, built upon the foundation of freedom and opportunity. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are more than words, and it is my job to create, preserve and protect an environment for success. I believe in fiscal responsibility and lower taxes. I believe government is best when it’s smaller and closer to the people. I believe in one nation under God. I believe in workfare over welfare, celebrating success while working harder and complaining less. I believe in faith, family, personal accountability and character. My plan begins with children and education. We need a dynamic workforce to meet the needs of a global economy supported by innovative schools and career paths. I will continue my focus to eliminate burdensome regulations and reduce taxes on families and businesses in order to encourage job growth. My greatest objective is to solve problems for those I serve.

It has been a long national election cycle filled with emotion and passion. The people have spoken, and I want to thank everyone who put themselves forward as a candidate. Congratulations to President Trump, U.S. Senator Isakson and all others throughout our state and nation on decisive victories. It’s time for everyone to take a deep breath, and focus on the future. After all, we are all Americans, and our greatest days are still ahead. We expressed one of our greatest freedoms when we voted, and election day is now in the rear-view mirror for 2016. It’s time to focus ahead, and serve the people as our founding fathers had intended. God bless America!