By Matthew A. Thomas on Thursday, 21 July 2016
Category: Canton Notes

Let the Data Do the Talking

 How does an inquiring business find out what properties are available in the area? When a company researches the community, likes what they see and wants to scout vacant buildings and sites, where do they look?

Maybe you or someone you know is really interested in opening a local business and wants to learn more about available spaces, and explore the demographics of the area. Where can this information be found?

The answer:

The Cherokee GA Prospector is a tool provided by the Cherokee Office of Economic Development to show prospective site selectors, real estate developers and inquiring businesses available sites and the data associated with those sites. The information is comprehensive, frequently updated and based on current U.S. Census data.

At first glance, it looks like a large database of industrial and commercial sites on the market, and it is, but vacant sites are only the surface of the tool’s capabilities.

The website displays a strong foundation in geography, infrastructure and economics, while being completely interactive. The interactivity of the site allows users to customize reports and pull data specific to their needs. This interactivity provides tremendous value to prospective companies because they each have different needs.

One option that stands out immediately upon viewing it is the ability to explore buildings, sites, businesses and communities. The “communities” feature is unique in that it self-creates a community profile that displays population, educational attainment, labor force, types of businesses and jobs, income, spending and transportation.

Also available are tabs for labor force, demographics, consumer spending, wages, talent pool and housing. Each factor provides pertinent and in-depth information for prospective investors to research before committing to the community.

Located on the left of the webpage are filters to help target specific square footages, densities and frequencies of specific demographics, layers for certain types of infrastructure and the option to compare communities.

Say you own a business and really believe Canton makes an ideal city for your next location. You find a vacant building located on Riverstone Parkway. The building has the square footage you need, it’s properly zoned for your use, utilities are in place and transportation suits your needs. However, to make sure the Canton market can accommodate your firm, you want to learn more about the consumer tendencies and who your nearest competitors are.

For all of these factors, which, from experience, are common and frequent, the website provides the answers with easy access. In the world of business and development recruitment, data drives decisions.

Communities that display their information visibly and upfront improve their chances of gaining new businesses, job growth and economic benefits. The Cherokee GA Prospector provides such data. Everyone believes their community is a great place to live, work and play, but when it’s all said and done, it’s the data that does the talking.