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Looking Ahead While Celebrating Milton’s Accomplishments

Unlike some of the newer Georgia cities, the City of Milton provides a full suite of City services that includes public safety (fire and police), parks and recreation, community development and public works. Maximizing your tax dollars to provide those services in the most efficient manner is a top priority for your elected officials and City staff.It’s important that we reflect on the activities and initiatives over the last year. Our 2016-2020 Strategic Plan is there to guide our ongoing City efforts, and City staff will evaluate and report on a calendar year those strategic accomplishments, but it’s equally important to reflect on our more short-term accomplishments:

We passed a $25 million Greenspace Bond Referendum; secured AAA bond rating from two separate rating agencies; executed the bond sale; and implemented the Greenspace Advisory Committee whose work is well underway with assistance from experts at the Georgia Conservancy.

We were awarded the second safest city in Georgia by Safewise (and we’re currently on track to take over the number one slot in 2018).

We procured and initiated implementation efforts for Laserfiche, a new records management system that will not only improve efficiency, but it will also increase transparency through even more online records access to our citizens.

We passed many ordinance changes designed to create a more business friendly environment for our local businesses.

We created the Milton Cultural Arts Committee to encourage local exploration, generic civic pride, support local artists and increase Milton tourism.

Following the passage of Fulton County TSPLOST, we worked to ensure smooth implementation with Milton business owners, began receiving revenues, and have officially kicked off planning for three separate TSPLOST transportation initiatives.

We recorded record enrollment numbers for all parks and recreation programs.

We created the Milton Equestrian Committee to ensure that we’re actively engaging our equestrian community with the goals of preserving, supporting and stimulating their opportunities for growth.

We reported out-of-hospital cardiac arrest survival rates that exceeded the national rates due to investment in critical lifesaving fire equipment, highly trained emergency personnel, and quick response times by the fire department.

After being closed by Fulton County for more than ten years, we reopened Providence Park for use last November, and officially launched the master planning process.

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