By Senator John Albers on Monday, 19 November 2018
Category: Senator John Albers

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Happy New Year!

Yes, I said it, and everyone should: Merry Christmas, happy Hanukkah and happy New Year! From the Albers family to your family, we wish you tidings of joy and blessings into 2019.In January, we return to legislative session. I am busy preparing legislation and serving constituents. I find a unique perspective with the cooler weather and the holiday spirit all around us. December is a month during which we often find ourselves giving more, smiling more, and surrounding ourselves with loved ones. This time of year serves as a reminder to be thankful for the many blessings we have and to serve others who may not be as fortunate.

While the holiday spirit is usually heartwarming and comforting for most, many people have endured hardships during the year and are sorrowful while others celebrate. This year, I hope you reach out to an old friend or family member you may have lost touch with, or maybe even a stranger. Someone you know may have lost a loved one, lost their job, or given up hope, and your words of encouragement may be all they need to hear. It is also a great time to offer grace and forgiveness to others and even ourselves.

We can help build and maintain a strong, connected community not only by our words, but also through our actions. One thing that many people do before the New Year approaches is clean out their closets and homes. There are many opportunities for Georgians to donate to families or individuals who may not have basics like a coat for their child or extra blankets on cold nights. The Albers family will be doing our best to help others, and I encourage you to donate to those in and around our community who are truly in need.

Another way you can make a positive impact during the holiday season is by giving back to our communities and volunteering. We have so many wonderful organizations and churches in north Fulton. Your time, talent, and treasure are gifts to others that ultimately build treasures in heaven.

I hope that this holiday season is filled with love and laughter, surrounded by friends and family. I also hope that you take time to consider what a positive difference you can make. Your words and actions can go much further than you may know. But with all that goes on during the month of December, let’s not forget the true reason we are celebrating. It is not about the presents or decorations. It’s about family, giving, having a humble heart, and celebrating the impact Christ has made on all our lives. Let us be thankful every day for the many blessings we have, and share our time, love, and happiness with all those we encounter.