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Momentum - Bring It On!

From our earliest recorded history — through the imagery of cave paintings, stone tablets and scrolls — we learn that the willpower of mankind — the ability to adapt, overcome and strive toward the next dawn of day — propels us forward. Our failures incite us to push harder, and our hopes fuel our drive toward success. When down, we reconsider and recalculate then position ourselves to look forward and move ahead. We rest only to rise, to gather strength.

At the December North Fulton Chamber of Commerce breakfast, I had the opportunity to listen to a fireside chat between Senator Brandon Beach and Ed Bastian, the CEO of Delta Airlines. Bastian spoke of how Delta stepped back and took a discerning look at what they were doing wrong as a company. Every airline flies airplanes, so they had to determine how they wanted to distinguish themselves. The conclusion was that they needed to focus on the cultural needs of customers and their employees rather than the basic, day-to-day operations of the business. The company decided to get more involved with its communities and its people. Once the ball got rolling, Delta worked together to keep it rolling, and everyone benefitted. The company wanted to be there “to serve, not apologize.” This new focus resulted in Delta Airlines becoming the only airline in history to rise out of bankruptcy on its own. It has the least number of cancelled flights of any major airline and is sharing its good fortune through profit sharing and giving back to local charities and organizations.

“Once you get momentum, embrace it; feed it, and cherish it,” said Bastian.

Often, it is the “why,” or the motivation, behind what we do that affects true success. We need to believe that what we want to do is what needs to be done, that it will positively benefit everyone. When effective change is just over the horizon, it’s up to us, as individuals, to pursue it. Our diligence will be rewarded with each goal we accomplish. Have confidence in yourself; continue to push and believe.

As the new year settles in and we find ourselves scribbling out or backspacing over a few sixteens here and there, we realize that some corrections in our lives may be easier to make than others. Incrementally, we adjust our timetables, spreadsheets, budgets and lifestyle to make time and to make the necessary changes. We aren’t challenged to be brought down; our challenges are meant to make us realize how strong and wise we are, and that we have the ability to succeed. Let’s not be discouraged; let’s be empowered.

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