By Jack Tuszynski on Tuesday, 19 November 2019
Category: Publisher's Perspective

My Wish for You

The breaks in our busy lives that allow us to spend valuable time with our families, friends, and neighbors are truly something to be thankful for. In the earliest years of our United States, after enduring trials and persecution, settlers journeyed from afar for a chance at a new life in an unknown land. They then gathered within their homes and villages, joining with their families and new friends to show their appreciation by giving pause, thanks, and praise, as many still do to this day.During this holiday season, many of us will travel to visit loved ones, some commuting farther distances than others. We will enjoy precious moments with friends and family. We may bring food, gifts, or simply enjoy each other’s company while sharing stories and catching up. There might be seasonal music or perhaps the delightful aroma of spices and delicacies from the kitchen.

Also, there may be someone dear to all, who is present only in cherished memories. The sounds of a child’s laughter while playing with a new toy may bring back pleasant recollections from your own youth. And oh, what could compare to the happiness brought by a newborn child, so small and innocent, holding the promise of a new beginning for a future generation.

Maybe I’m being so “November,” but I am very thankful every December. I am thankful for the greatest gift I’ve ever received, one born on a silent and holy night in a distant land — our savior, Jesus Christ.

Whatever your beliefs may be, I wish you much peace this holiday season. My prayer is for each of you to be filled with joy that is multiplied by sharing it with others. May your smile be wide, and your heart filled with love. May the Holy Spirit find you, comfort you, and keep you. Wherever your journey leads, be safe; know that you are loved. May God bless each one of us.