By Candice on Thursday, 20 September 2018
Category: Publisher's Perspective

October 2018

“Healing is the journey. The destination is yourself.’’

There are times in each of our lives when we feel like we’re stranded in a month of Mondays. The day-to-day dilemmas, drama, and dredge grip us at our ankles, pull on our hearts, and seem to make our mind wander off in any number of directions. Without the blessing of understanding friends who can see through our pride, point out that it’s okay to hurt, and offer their support, we may often find ourselves playing possum, retreating into our shell, or just building up those walls.

By embracing what we fear most, opening what was closed, softening what has hardened our heart to where it can beat gently again, only then can healing begin. Of course, those walls were built instinctively to defend us from our fears, may have taken years to build, and may take time to tear down. What can be done now is to swing our proverbial doors wide open, embrace the challenge to push past our own personal judgment, and get our emotions in check. Then, we can strengthen our resolve, gain a more accurate perception of what makes up our fear, pain, and wound, and get down to the business of alleviating the problem rather than simply masking the symptoms.

October is Domestic Violence Awareness month. One in three women and one in seven men have been abused physically, mentally, and/or spiritually. Years of abuse can take its toll. It is quite possible someone you know today has been a victim or survivor of this dreadful social issue. Often, those who have not been in such a situation find it difficult to understand or empathize with those who have been or are currently in this predicament. When you discover their triggers, do what you can to help them avoid those situations. What we can do for each other is show kindness, compassion, and love. The more we learn to love each other, the more we can help heal this crazy world together.

Healing is learning to trust life again and love. Love can heal us all.