By Matthew A. Thomas on Monday, 20 February 2017
Category: Canton Notes

Permits and Approvals: They're a Serious Matter

Many people have heard horror stories of the government being difficult to work with because they take forever to get things done. Many a contractor, builder and business owner can tell of their frustrations with getting permits for their business or project.

While some of these horrific accounts may be true, most are exaggerated. The incredible people at the City of Canton set high expectations of themselves and the services they provide. But let’s face it, there is no getting around acquiring the proper permits necessary for certain types of work to be done. Permits are a necessity — rightfully so.

In most cases, commercial renovations and structural changes require a permit of some kind. This is true for most municipalities. Fortunately, Canton’s customer-friendly staff has the knowledge and experience to promptly answer questions and assist anyone who needs information about our building, fire and development codes.

While we know that abiding by codes and obtaining permits seems like added work, especially for first-timers, they serve the vital and most important purpose of protecting occupants, owners and precious dollars invested into a building or space.

Obtaining a building permit promises the safety of your building. Permits are required for new buildings, new building additions, renovations, electrical systems, plumbing systems, HVAC and residential work.

Because your business or your home is an investment, you want to make sure your construction project complies with the City’s building codes.

Similar importance can be written of satisfying the City’s fire and development codes.

It is tough to say, “Bring your business to Canton,” only to lead prospective investors into a tangled web of insensitive and confusing approvals and permits. That is why the City labors continuously to streamline its permitting process and simplify understanding of requirements for approvals.

In case you want to understand Canton’s codes prior to getting into a project, the City’s Unified Development Code is viewable online at or

For those who may be undertaking a startup business venture, there is also “A Guide to Starting a Business in Canton” available on both websites to walk you through the steps necessary to open a business from idea to ribbon cutting.

Building permits and the subsequent approvals attached to the issuing of each permit are necessary measures the City takes to ensure the safety and stability of your investment within City limits. This also gives property owners a strong sense of security that their building is safe and less likely to cause injury to any future occupants.

As always, feel free to call if you have any questions regarding the importance of permits and approvals. All permits and approvals are scheduled and obtained at Canton City Hall, 151 Elizabeth Street.