By Jack Tuszynski on Monday, 15 May 2023
Category: Publisher's Perspective

This Is Life

​It's been 10 years since I first started getting really serious about this. "This? This what?" you may ask — this magazine, this Life. Ten years ago, Family Life Publications was just a handful of notes, a sketch of a logo, a rough draft of an employee handbook and plan. It literally all started with a prayer. When the first five employees walked into the office on July 1, 2013, my life, this "Life" was about to change. 

Some people asked, "What is a single guy from Cherokee, a local photographer his entire life, doing starting a family magazine?" Honestly, I asked myself that at times, too. With faith, surrounded by like-minded friends, employees, and community, the dream became reality. Over the past decade, this magazine has built connections within our cities, our families, and between each other through our friendly relationship with our readers, and it will continue to do so for years to come.

But let's get to the point – this is my last Publisher's Perspective. You may have read here before that "we are the sum of our circumstances." While I feel that statement is accurate, know that when you add God to the equation, the result is always a positive.

See, through this magazine, I met my wife and now have two great kids — a family of my own. My new wife, a nurse, helped keep me around during a pandemic and helped renew this publication during and after it. These magazines also put me in the right place to be able to help a friend in need when he suffered a cardiac arrest, so he could continue to care for his family.

Through this very column, my dad located me after decades of estrangement. After reading my Publisher's Perspective in his new home, he contacted me, which offered us a chance for forgiveness and renewal. My God has turned the equation positive in so many ways.

Most importantly, I have learned what family and life really mean. It's not about spare time; it's about quality time. It's the family table, baseball games, horse shows, fishing, and enjoying special moments just being alive. Life is finding ways to help each other, as well as to enjoy, laugh, and grow together. That's how my life, this Life, continues, and I pray your life does as well.

I'll be making more time for my family now. It's time to concentrate on their dreams. May God bless you and make time to enjoy the blessings in your life.

Family Life Magazines is in good hands. I'm certain that David, Julie, Stephanie, Steve, and Tiffany will do a great job continuing with this part of my dream. Cherokee County born and raised — I will always be part of this community. I'm staying on as photographer.