By Matthew A. Thomas on Thursday, 20 November 2014
Category: Canton Notes

Retain and Expand

Canton is home to more than 1,196 businesses and 11,847 jobs — and both areas are growing.

Retention, keeping a business in the community, says just as much about the business as it does the community. Much like how customer retention is important to a private operation, business retention to a community reflects stability and trust, and invites the potential for more growth.

It has been noted that 80 percent of net new job growth is attributable to existing businesses. Much of a community's growth is a result of established enterprises.

Taking nothing from the importance of business recruitment, but retaining existing businesses is important to our local economy.

Canton is fortunate in that we have a number of businesses whose operations have been here for 20 years or more. If I began naming them, I would be certain to forget some. But, their longevity and commitment to staying here shows just how great a place Canton is for operating a business.

Our ability to retain businesses is due to a number of factors: highway accessibility, great schools, housing options, quality of life, and the list goes on. Owners and employees of existing businesses can be a community's best ambassadors.

Businesses build on each other, whether that is by way of locating near a supplier or complementary service produced. In that sense, businesses also help attract more businesses.

On top of their many pluses, existing businesses provide jobs for local residents and tax revenue for the community.

We appreciate our existing enterprises here in Canton, no matter their years in operation. It is up to all of us to continue to patronize them and support their growth. They are the economic foundation of our community.

Solid business retention is a proven asset for any community.

For everything they are and what they do in our community, we appreciate our existing businesses.