By Candice on Tuesday, 22 August 2017
Category: Publisher's Perspective

September 2017

When the opportunity to join a team in sports, at the office, volunteering, or maybe even your church occurs, it is vital to live up to the honor. When we are a member of a team that is relying on us, we need to do our individual best to take care of our responsibility, task or obligation.

Each of us becomes responsible for our personal leadership and making sure our actions are in line and in pace with our teammates. In anything you do, there will always be someone whose talents and strengths are different than yours, so aligning yourself with those who compliment your gifts is important. Keeping our mind open to learn from the skills of others allows us to grow.

A quarterback who can throw a football 82 yards under pressure is a great asset, unless the receiver is only 80 yards downfield. How often do we find ourselves thinking, “It touched his hands; he should’ve had that one,” when the fact is that he may have been exactly where he should’ve been, and the ball was overthrown? Targets need to align. Sometimes, I find myself thinking that if I had pushed myself harder, cause and effect would have collided into success rather than my stumbling and fumbling. However, this is never truly an issue when I know in my heart that I did my absolute best. If each of us will do our part in our community, home, schools and family, nothing is out of our reach.

Surround yourself with those who excite, motivate, educate and inspire you. Choose to be part of a team or group that will help you grow as an individual and/or with those you can help mentor and lead. Each of us has certain abilities that can benefit others, within an organization or one-on-one. Discover a place that gives you something worth doing that feeds your spirit, moves your soul, and strengthens you and yours. Challenges can be beautiful things.

Use your power for good.