By Jack Tuszynski on Tuesday, 01 October 2019
Category: Publisher's Perspective

Sharing Your Tools

One of the things I treasure most in our community is the wonderful array of diverse individuals who are willing to help each other. People are truly blessed when they go out of their way to be a blessing to others, and I’ve seen it happen more and more over the past few years. Having lived here all my life, I’ve noticed that the kindness movement has grown at a faster pace than our population. Our neighbors from various backgrounds, cultures, and lifestyles are increasingly eager to lend a hand.Alone, we cannot do all the good the world needs, but the world needs all the good we can do. Each of us can do something to help change someone’s situation from tearful to cheerful. Some may suggest we save ourselves before attempting to save others; that egregious attitude is one that doesn’t sit well with me. Nietzsche once asked, “Supposing I have the key to your chains, why should your lock and my lock be the same?” Each of us has our own strengths and weaknesses. It’s a good feeling when you find a use for the other half of your glue by loaning it to someone who has been broken by a situation you’ve already overcome.

We’ve all been broken at one time or another, and when we have the tools to help put someone else back together, why not share them? But that doesn’t mean we need to take responsibility for their actions. If someone falls into deep water, no need to go jumping in with them. Just throw them a line to help them back in boat. Standing by your neighbors, friends, and anyone else who needs you, your wisdom, strength, or just a slight nudge in the right direction is good support for the soul, builds good character, and makes you smile.

We grow stronger by helping others lift themselves up. There is much to do. Let’s get to it.