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Growing up in central Cherokee County on a small, rural farm with my parents and brother, I learned a lot about simplicity. My father was the head of household until I reached my teens, and then my mom took over that role. Mom was stern and to the point. After some back talk from my brother or me, mom often would say, “period, end of conversation.” Nothing else would be said. There was no gray area. You were going to be good, or you were bad; simple enough.

 My parents were very good at making sure that my brother and I understood the meaning of personal responsibility. My brother, Victor, and I knew that if we messed up and broke the rules, it was our fault and not that of our parents. Because of our actions and choices, we were deserving of any punishment we received, and it was ridiculous to blame our parents for that. We learned that our parents were the leaders that God had placed in charge of our lives. We were to honor their leadership.

We often look to the leadership in our lives when feeling overwhelmed. We seek someone who will honor the trust we place in them for that leadership. An individual or group that will stand for our rights and empower us to move beyond those things that time has placed in our pasts with plans to strengthen our resolve, enhance our situation and give us a positive outlook.

As American adults, we need to recognize that it’s important for us to select candidates who understand that being in a leadership position is more than just being in charge; it’s an obligation to stand up for the rights of the American people as dictated by our Constitution. We have the responsibility and civic duty in this country to elect officials who will lead us down the correct path; however, our elected leaders are not our parents.

As children, my brother and I were taught to use our Bibles as our guide for being good people and how we should love and care for others. As Americans, our Constitution is intended to be, and should be, used as the guide to being good, honest Americans. It is our personal responsibility to act accordingly and be responsible for our actions, just as our parents taught us. We will reap what we sow. Simplicity at the core, period…end of conversation.

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