By Candice on Monday, 24 October 2016
Category: Publisher's Perspective

Someone to be Thankful for

There are many people who I’m proud of that I have never even met. It’s good to feel that way, and it works. To find the best in people who you admire from afar is a wonderful quality in our society, especially as it stands today. All too often, we may become overwhelmed with the negativity that is so pervasive that we fail to realize that our focus has wavered from the greater good that exists in so much of our surroundings, in people, our community and our lives.

We may see people struggle, falling short of personal expectations, or we can choose to see those same individuals as fighters who are making a difference on their quest and their individual pursuits of happiness. Just as there is little appreciation for light without darkness, there are not many winners where there are no battles waged.

There are wars where we can help provide victory if given the motivational wages needed to be a catalyst for our actions to get us in gear and up to the front lines. For instance, we could help a loved one battling Parkinson’s disease, cancer, old age, recovery or something else we could only imagine, without any knowledge of how it must feel to deal with something so life changing. We are all challenged, and sometimes, it seems we are challenged on a daily basis, but then something really heavy hits, which puts things in perspective. Remembering, encouraging and understanding the plight of others, while trying to imagine what it may be like to walk in their shoes, may make us more thankful for our own blessings.

Particularly during the holidays, a season of thanks, of forgiveness, companionship and love, we should embrace beyond the physical arms of those we care about. Hold the person, and cherish their spirit. Join them beyond the tradition of the holiday. Caring is good on the eyes; however, really loving is nourishing of the heart and of the soul.