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Standing for Our Flag and Our National Anthem

In a recent and very public decision, a major athletic apparel company decided to pull back the sale of a 1776 Betsy Ross Flag sneaker after its production was criticized by a former NFL player. This same NFL player is affiliated with the movement for athletes to take a knee during the national anthem. In an effort to be “politically correct,” this company has made decisions that go against the grain of America and appeal to those who do not understand the sacrifices of our soldiers from every generation beginning with the Revolutionary War.Those of us who are proud patriots, who understand our history, and who haven’t forgotten the battles that made America the “land of the free because of the brave” choose to stand to support our flag and nation. Our flag is the beacon of liberty and freedom for the world. Those who do not respect our flag and national anthem have the freedom to make different choices because others have made the ultimate sacrifice.

The battle for our freedoms, including speech and press, continues every day without noticeable impact on most of our daily lives. Our soldiers and first responders put their lives on the line to protect our nation and our flag, while their loved ones pray for their safe return home.

The freedom our heroes fight for allows people and companies to make choices. The company I previously referenced continues to make misguided decisions, but they have that right. We, as citizens, can exert the same liberty and freedom. I recently made my own choice. For the first time in 35 years, I bought a different brand of sneakers. To complement my new kicks, I purchased athletic wear. None of the products I bought were made by the company that disrespects the country I love. I have also removed all that company’s clothing from my closet.

When people or corporations blatantly disrespect my country and flag while not recognizing or honoring our historic battles for freedom, they will not have my support. I believe millions of Americans feel the same.

It is important to note that those who go through the legal process to become U.S. citizens receive an American flag upon taking the oath and finalizing the naturalization process. This flag symbolizes their rights and freedoms. For many new citizens, receiving this flag is the proudest moment of their lives.

Our nation is the greatest in the world because throughout our history, we have always fought for our independence. Many people from other countries are denied the rights we cherish, like freedom of speech and religion. These and other rights are what make our nation a country of choice for people around the world.

I am a proud supporter of not only our flag, but any symbol of our nation. I immediately think about the painting of George Washington crossing the Delaware River, the photo of soldiers raising the flag at Iowa Jima, and the image of firefighters holding the flag at ground zero on September 11, 2001. I will always stand for our national anthem. I will wave our flag with honor. And I will not support those who do not respect what it means to be an American. God bless America!

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