By Senator Brandon Beach on Monday, 23 February 2015
Category: Senator Brandon Beach

Stepping Stones to A Beautiful Georgia

The 2015 Legislative Session began on January 12, 2015 and marked the beginning of the first term of the 153rd Legislative Session. Legislators have completed 11 out of 40 days in which we must discuss, vet, and pass legislation to be considered by Governor Deal for 2015. Since gathering with my colleagues in the Senate and the House of Representatives, we have been discussing and debating important legislative issues facing our state. I am looking forward to working with my colleagues to pass legislation that continues to improve Georgia and make it a great place to live, work and play.

The 2015 Legislative Session began on January 12, 2015 and marked the beginning of the first term of the 153rd Legislative Session. Legislators have completed 11 out of 40 days in which we must discuss, vet, and pass legislation to be considered by Governor Deal for 2015. Since gathering with my colleagues in the Senate and the House of Representatives, we have been discussing and debating important legislative issues facing our state. I am looking forward to working with my colleagues to pass legislation that continues to improve Georgia and make it a great place to live, work and play.

On the first day of the legislative session, all 56 Georgia Senators were sworn in by State Supreme Court Justice Hugh Thompson to mark the beginning of the 2015 Legislative Session. Judge Thompson presented the Oath of Office and offered remarks about personal fulfillment and joy in servitude to the senators and their families. Sen. Shafer’s re-election as President Pro Tempore was unanimously approved by the Senate, and David Cook was sworn in as Secretary of the Senate.

Also on the first day of session, Governor Nathan Deal took his second Oath of Office from his son, Jason, who is a Superior Court Judge in Hall County. The inaugural ceremony was scheduled to be held at 9:00 a.m. outside the Capitol Building at the newly constructed Liberty Plaza, but due to inclement weather, the ceremony was moved into the House Chamber. Constitutional officers were also sworn in, including Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle. Gov. Deal delivered his annual State of the State Address on Wednesday, January 14, providing an overview of Georgia’s successes and upcoming legislative challenges. It is always fascinating to hear the governor’s plans for betterment of our state, and I am honored to be one of the many stepping stones that provide a path to a beautiful future in Georgia.

Committees have been in full swing as well. Each session day, Lt. Governor Cagle assigns bills to their respective committees to be discussed and vetted by the members. If the bill passes the committee, it must then go to the Rules Committee, where if voted out, will then head to the Senate for a full-body vote. As a member of the Higher Education, Regulated Industries and Utilities, Science and Technology and Transportation Committees, I will continue to track important legislation that could affect not only Georgia, but District 21. As we move forward, I will continue to keep all of you updated on the Senate’s progress, after all my constituents are always my highest priority.