By Laura Bentley on Thursday, 22 August 2019
Category: North Fulton Notes

Sticking to Our Roots: Agriculture in Milton

Founded in 1928, the National Future Farmers of America (FFA) Organization is a 501(c)(3) youth organization that promotes and supports agriculture education.“Without agriculture, we would have nothing,” says Sarah Nerswick, who is an agriculture education teacher at Cambridge High School. Nerswick launched the Cambridge Agriscience and Veterinary Education (CAVE) program in 2015 in tandem with Cambridge’s inaugural FFA chapter. In its short history, the program has won numerous national competitions. “We know the lessons our students learn from agricultural studies will stay with them forever,” says Nerswick.

The cultural fiber that agriculture offers is also important to the City of Milton. “Respect our rural heritage while guiding our future” is a key component of the City’s vision statement. Cambridge FFA members are known to give impassioned speeches at rezoning hearings and provide insight and support to City boards such as the Milton Equestrian Committee.

Grace Johnson, a lifelong Milton resident, has been an FFA member for five years and has held numerous FFA chapter leadership positions. “Being in FFA has not only allowed me to discover my passion for agriculture, but it has also helped me develop communication, leadership, teamwork, and other skills desired by most employers through its various competitions and activities. It has given me the opportunity to travel all over — even abroad — to continue to learn and grow as a person and agriculturalist. I’ve since found a major and career path I love and have made friendships and connections that will last a lifetime,” says Johnson.

Because of the profound lifelong positive impact of agricultural education and the FFA, Nerswick and her co-teacher, Ashley White, who specializes in equine and veterinary science, continue to work to further expand educational offerings. Georgia is the only state that offers kindergarten through fifth grade agriculture education. This pathway is being offered at Cogburn Woods Elementary and is serving as a great feeder program for blossoming agriculturists.

New this fall is the North Fulton Young Farmers organization, hosted across the area and led by Nerswick this year. Meetings are open to anyone in north Fulton who would like to learn more about agriculture. Each month, an educational event will be offered such as floral arrangement, beekeeping, backyard chickens, and square-foot gardening.

Would you like to support agriculture by joining the FFA Booster Club? This group raises money to support Cambridge FFA activities and provide student scholarships. Booster Club members receive cool car magnets identifying them as loyal supporters of agriculture in the community.

It’s worthy to highlight the FFA motto, which is “Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live, Living to Serve.” If you would like to learn more, do more, and serve more to benefit agriculture in your community, check out the following resources to get involved:

 Cambridge FFA

Cambridge FFA & Alumni Facebook

North Fulton Young Farmer Facebook