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Summer Burn Safety Tips

Many of us enjoy spending most of our summer days outside. While you are enjoying camping with friends, vacationing with loved ones, family picnics or cookouts, please be mindful of the following summer burn safety tips, which are provided by the U.S. Fire Administration:

-Wear short sleeves, or roll them up when cooking on the grill.
-Use long-handled barbecue tools.
-Keep a three-foot safe zone around grills, fire pits and campfires. This will keep kids and pets safe.
-Only use your grill outside.
-Keep the grill away from siding and deck rails.
-Clean your grill after each use. This will remove grease, which can start a fire.
-Place the coals from your grill in a metal can with a lid once they have cooled.
-Open your gas grill before lighting.
-Keep an eye on your grill, fire pit or patio torches. Never leave any of them unattended.
-Attend public fireworks displays, and leave the lighting of fireworks to the professionals.

If you happen to accidentally get burned, here are some first-aid measures you should take:

-Place the burn in cool water for three-to-five minutes.
-Cover the burn with a clean, dry cloth.
-See your doctor if the burn is larger than your palm.

For more information and free resources, visit

The women and men at the Woodstock Fire Department wish you and yours a safe and enjoyable summer.

Because of the Brave...