By Jack Tuszynski on Wednesday, 23 October 2019
Category: Publisher's Perspective

The Precious Now

Consider your earliest days as an infant, and those looking down upon your tiny presence didn’t see very much going on in that fat little head of yours. Yet, to you, every single minute was amazing, full of awe-inspiring wonder.You’ve learned much since then: mastered processes of thought and logic, developed perceptions, formed ideologies, and built relationships that have come and gone.

Those who’ve taught you life lessons are numerous: the ones who helped you learn about love, the ones who provided light in your time of darkness, and those who lent a listening ear or a shoulder on which to cry. Often, we take for granted some of the people and situations that got us to where we are. You’ve come a long way, and you weren’t alone.

Remember those unplugged weekends spent at your grandparent’s or relative’s house? Or maybe a camping trip or vacation that was rained out but filled with long talks in which you learned much about your parents and siblings? Think back to the kid in school who showed you how easy it was to make friends using only a smile, or that teacher who believed in you enough to fuel your talent. Recall the ones you’ve cried with, or those who left you breathless in laughter. That’s strong stuff, and it was important — if not pivotal — in how you live today.

This season of thanks, give some thought to those who helped make you the person you have become thus far. Think of someone you hold special and the positive impact he or she had on you. Why not message them or give them a call? Reach out and touch them in a very special way that allows them to feel your gratitude. Let someone know how thankful you are for them to have been a part of your life, and that they will always be appreciated.

Memories together are plenty, and there is the hope of a future before us, but no time is more precious than these moments we spend in the present.