By Senator John Albers on Thursday, 26 January 2017
Category: Senator John Albers

The Process of Bills and Budgets

On January 9, 2017, the Georgia General Assembly convened for the first term of the 154th Legislative Session, and I had the privilege of being sworn in for my fourth term.

From the start of the session, the Senate and the House of Representatives will meet for fourty days to discuss, vet and vote on legislation. During the interim, I worked to draft the “Bring Back Small Business” legislation, which is designed to reduce the regulatory burden small businesses face. It will create a one-stop shop for all small businesses when it comes to permit processing and applications and will provide incentives for small business owners who hire new staff.

This legislation was formally dropped with the Secretary of the Senate and was assigned an official bill number. I’m working this bill actively through the committee process for passage. Once passed by standing committee, the bill will go to the rules committee. I will then ask the rules chairman to put my bill on the Senate floor for a discussion and a vote. Once the bill is on the floor, I will explain the bill; there will be debate, and a final vote will be taken. Upon passage, my bill will be signed by the Secretary of the Senate and sent to the House of Representatives. In the House, the legislation will follow a similar process. If any changes are made to the bill during the committee process in the House, the Senate must agree to the changes. If the Senate disagrees, a conference committee is appointed with members from each chamber. They then have to come up with a report and compromise that will be accepted by both houses. When a bill has final passage, it is sent to Governor Nathan Deal for his approval or disapproval. The Governor has fourty days after the session ends to decide whether he will sign the bill into law or veto the bill.

Governor Deal gave his State of the State Address and brought news about Georgia’s economic outlook and his budget recommendations. These recommendations will serve as a guide for the Senate as we begin working to ensure Georgia’s  Amended Fiscal Year 2017 (AFY 2017) and Fiscal Year 2018 budgets remain balanced, and our resources continue to be utilized in the most efficient way possible. Once budget subcommittee review meetings are done, the AFY 2017 budget will come to the full Senate appropriation committee. As a member of the committee, I will work with my colleagues to ensure that a fiscally responsible budget is passed. The same process will be done for the FY 2018 budget.

My colleagues and I are working to make sure Georgia is a great place to live, work and play. Throughout the remainder of the legislative session, I’ll continue to update you on the happenings of the Georgia Senate. In the meantime, please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns you may have.