By FLP Staff on Friday, 24 August 2018
Category: North Fulton Notes

Update on the Proposed Angela Krause Tennis, Pickleball, and Fitness Center

After a recent conversation with Vernon Krause of the Krause Foundation, we have jointly decided not to move forward with the Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Roswell and the Krause Foundation to locate the Angela Krause Tennis, Pickleball, and Fitness Center in Big Creek Park.When Mr. Krause approached the Mayor’s office with the generous offer of investing upwards of fifty million dollars in a world-class tennis facility for the east side of Roswell, we were very excited about the project. We believed it would have been an economic catalyst for the east side, drawing other investment into that area and being a driver for redevelopment along the Holcomb Bridge Road corridor east of GA-400.

We thought the tennis center would have given the east side of Roswell a destination that would draw people from all over the region. We heard a clear message last year from east side residents during the Economic Development Forums that creating a destination for the east side was a priority and key desire.

However, the community let us know that they do not support this project for Big Creek Park. We want you to know we hear you again, so we will not be moving forward with it. In the coming months, we will hold a town hall meeting for further input from residents on the possibility and location of a tennis center in Roswell.

I want to thank Mr. Krause and the Krause Foundation for wanting to invest millions of dollars into our community to honor his daughter. I hope our community will be able to assist him in the future with his dream to build a facility in memory of Angela.