By Senator Bruce Thompson on Thursday, 01 October 2020
Category: Senator Bruce Thompson

Value Through Another's Eyes

Each day, we are faced with making decisions and choices that impact our lives and the lives of those around us. Sometimes, these choices are mundane and innocuous, but other times, they are quite challenging and can easily be destructive. Often, the poor choices we make cause us to question our value to society or our ability to be a contributor, but God's word provides us with an abundance of examples of redemption from the worst of mistakes.

Most have read or at least heard of the courageous story about Moses parting the Red Sea with his staff, so the grumbling Israelites could escape recapture or being killed by the Egyptians. But have you ever wondered what thoughts went through Moses' mind when God called him to lead the Israelites out of Egypt? "Are you kidding me, Lord? Have you forgotten what I have done?" was likely his reaction.

Before Moses' name ascended to the top of the best sellers list, he lived in the desert for 40 years dealing with the regret and shame of killing an Egyptian man. Fortunately, the Lord had bigger plans for him than to live out his life in seclusion.

We read in Exodus that the Lord appeared to Moses in a burning bush and gave him instructions to rescue the Israelites, but Moses was afraid because his past and his poor decisions caused him to feel inadequate. "Please, anyone but me," he begged while questioning if he was worthy of the Lord's request and arguing that his stutter would prevent the Israelites from listening to him.

Many times in life, the hardest forgiveness to achieve is from yourself, but God's word tells us he will fight for us if only we will be still. But sitting still is difficult for many. Lifeguards know to be extremely cautious when attempting to save people from drowning because victims often refuse to respond to their instruction to relax, so they can be pulled to safety.

Running from our past mistakes only creates bondage and discouragement, which prevents us from enjoying the life and destiny that was planned for us. We will never be good enough or make all the right choices in life, but understanding that God's love, forgiveness, and grace extends far beyond all understanding should be sufficient enough for us to forgive ourselves.